Content management
Cloud Storage
Students, tutors and administrators can upload, share and download digital worksheets and content from PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX and videos, all from their Cudy account.
Learning courses
Upload and enrol your students in pre-recorded video classes that they can take as an online course, just like your own Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
Class management
Create and manage the different virtual classes for your students to attend in real-time remotely or your online courses that your students can attend at their own time.
Online quiz
Your tutors can create and share online quizzes with their students to attempt while they are having lessons or embedded into your online courses to increase engagement and participation.
Virtual classroom
Tutors will be able to live-stream their lesson in real-time and students will be able to interact in the virtual class, with teaching tools such as digital whiteboards and screen-sharing, similar to a video conference.